Nystad Sauna Company - Natural Sauna Scents - Finnmark Sauna
Sauna News

Nystad Sauna Company - Natural Sauna Scents

Oct 25, 2019

Made entirely from dried Finnish birch leaves and herbs, a fresh creation by newly founded company Nystad is taking the sauna world by storm. Their fully natural and vegan sauna scents, which also boast 100% biodegradability, are the brainchild of three Finnish women looking to bring the raw beauty, greenness, and cleanliness of Finland to sauna enthusiasts all over the world.

The scents themselves come in a range of soothing bouquets, including birch and lavender and birch and mint. And unlike traditional sauna scents and oils, these hand-made scent bags are made from entirely natural ingredients – absent of any form of poison or harmful chemical. The result is a brand-new form of delicate and therapeutic aromatherapy that effortlessly imbues any sauna with an ambience reminiscent of the most traditional and natural Finnish sauna.